Loading Dock Raleigh

Loading Dock Raleigh

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Loading Dock Raleigh is a premium, professional and approachable shared workspace for the creative, freelancer, entrepreneur, and remote professional. We believe strongly that where you work and who you work with is vitally important to the work you do, so we created a workplace where we can work and flourish together unencumbered of the challenges of office space.

Why together? We strive to do excellent work, to support one another, to do others good, and we believe this happens best in the context of a diverse and very supportive community. Come take a tour, stay for the rest of the day and see what we’re all about!

Loading Dock Raleigh is the Triangle’s coolest collaborative work space. Located just minutes from downtown in the iconic Five Points area, Loading Dock Raleigh serves as a coworking community for people of all walks of professions and in every stage of development—creative, start up, established, freelancers—seeking a safe, feasible, and inspiring place to build, gather, network, and share resources and knowledge.

With access to desks, wifi, an outdoor covered patio, showers, lockers, a full service kitchen, various work spaces & conference rooms, we have plenty of room & opportunity for the hands-on effort of pursing your passion & doing good work together.
