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Blog Posts

Want to write a blog post on ExpertMap.eu?

We are looking for new blog authors to join our growing team of expert bloggers. Check the guidelines below and submit your post through our blog submission form

It’s all about visibility & findability!

Writing blog posts helps you to gain a greater credibility and powerful backlinks to your expert profile and personal website. By publishing a blog post in our ExpertMap Blog, you will be recognized by clients, recruiters, and freelancers worldwide.

All blog posts get promoted via our social media networks and in our newsletter.


Blog Post Guidelines:

  • Well-written and original post (no duplicate content) in English language

  • Post topic must be related to:
    – Remote work at places where you have been or still are

    – The best global place to work from remotely
    – Local life as a remote worker in your home town or abroad

    – Expert know-how in your field of expertise
    – Freelancing, and/or tool suggestions.

  • Avoid self-promotion in the body of your post and save that for your expert profile

  • Minimal length: 500 words (preferable 800 to 1.500 words)

Your blog post must:

  • Have an appealing title (between 30 – 60 characters long)

  • Include a short summary of the content of your post that attracts interest

  • Be well-structured with matching subheadings and bold font for key sentences

  • Have a summary or conclusion

  • Include, if available: picture material, infographics, diagrams, helpful links or code examples

Important hints

You may include up to two links within the post back to your own blog’s content or other outside high-quality sources. In any case, these should be used to support the understanding of the content and not just to engineer the transfer of PageRank (SEO purposes). In accordance with Google Guidelines, links will primarily be rel=’nofollow’.

Please note that we may accept republishing of your re-written original post on our blog as long as you meet our above guidelines. The ExpertMap team reserves the right to edit or adapt your submitted blog post to ensure the blog stays in line with our values and standards.

After publishing your blog post in our ExpertMap blog we will share it with our global readers and followers by promoting it on various social media networks and our newsletter.

Of course, feel free to promote it on your end as well!
