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Learn more about features for spaces

Select following feature modules to see how they work


Included in Free & Premium
Add a Logo (optimal dimensions 1:1 ; max. 1000x1000px)

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Cover Image

Included in Free & Premium
Cover Image
Enhance your profile with an awesome cover image
(optimal dimensions 16:5 ; max. 1920x585px)

Use an appealing image, that reflects your business or expertise.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Title & Description

Included in Free & Premium
Title & Description
What's special about your co-working space?

Minimum: 100 words
Recommended: 200+ words

(Think of your architecture, location, surrounding businesses etc.)

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.


Included in Free & Premium
What workspaces are you offering?

Please select your available workspaces from the drop-down bar.
You can choose between: Desks, Meeting Rooms, Private Offices

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.


Included in Free & Premium
Select your spoken languages

You can choose up to four(4) languages from the drop-down bar. We have included 50 languages.
If your language is not available, please contact us.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Location & Mapping

Included in Free & Premium
Location & Mapping
Let people know where you are located.

Select your region from the drop-down bar and type in your detailed google address

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.


Included in Free & Premium
How can guests get to your co-working space?

Think of Building, Floor, Door & Transportation: By Train, By Bus, By Foot, etc.
Description: Add information about the direction and address suffix.

You can add up to 4 direction types

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Gallery Images

Included in Premium
Gallery Images
Add additional high-quality and catchy pictures related to your profile.

Premium Plan allows to add 50 Images
You can edit your gallery directly from the top panel on your listing page.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Featured Videos

Included in Premium
Featured Videos
Add additional videos related to your profile.
(Youtube / Vimeo)

Premium Plan allows to add unlimited videos

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Basic Amenities

Included in Premium
Basic Amenities
What are you offering within your co-working space?

Select your available basic amenities from the drop-down menu.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Additional Amenities

Included in Premium
Additional Amenities
What else are you offering within your co-working space

Select your available basic amenities from the drop-down menu.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.


Included in Premium
List your special offers or membership plans including a description and an image.

Premium Plan allows to add 10 services/memberships

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.


Included in Premium
In what price range do you offer your services or memberships?

It would help to add your VAT Information (optional) to comply with your governments regulations and help potential customers to be well informed.

Notice: To appear in search filters for price you need to fill out your rate and price range. Otherwise you'll lose visibility.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Payment Options

Included in Premium
Payment Options
What payment options do you offer?

Select up to five(5) available options from the drop-down menu.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Opening Hours

Included in Premium
Opening Hours
What are your opening hours?

You can set your opening hours per weekday and add two different hour blocks for each day, or set yourself to be always available.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Co-Working Space -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.

Unlimited Messaging

Included in Free & Premium
Unlimited Messaging
Exchange unlimited messages with other members of the ExpertMap community

Therefore just use the message button on profile pages to get the conversation started. You can access your messages under Dashboard -> My Messages


Included in Free & Premium
Get all your profile statistics on your dashboard and on your listing pages

To boost your listing views and reviews, you can share your listing on social media, friends and customers or you can use our promotion system, that you can access from your dashboard or on top of your listing page.

To edit an approved listing, please go to Dashboard -> My Company Profile -> Edit
or click on the green "Edit Listing" button on your listing page.